Turn-Key assembled and extensively trained a team of 36 Brand Ambassadors (plus backups!) in 9 major markets, including Boston, New York, Chicago, Denver, Dallas, SF, LA, Portland & Seattle. We branded a van with Emergen-C graphics and leapfrogged the vehicle from one market to the next. Turn-Key teams wore bright, bold Emergen-C shirts and branded sampling backpacks that could hold 300-500 packets at a time, allowing our team to get on foot and educate consumers face-to-face about Emergen-C’s many uses and benefits. The program targeted 30–55 year old professionals in upscale areas across the country, both in financial districts and suburbs where they worked, and at gyms, farmers markets, and festivals where they play! Special focus was spent sampling to “active lifestylers” to talk up the benefits of B-Vitamins.